2 weeks already passed and so far,the chambering is quite alright..kadang-kadang ada kerja..kadang-kadang cari kerja, dan kadang-kadang malas nak kerja..hihi, tengok jam nak balik je..(^.^)..
dah lama tak menulis kat sini, maybe tak ada apa yang menarik kot rasanya yang nak diceritakan..umur pun dah makin bertambah, tapi hidup masih sama dan tak ada yang berubah..hihi..tapi takpelah..1 hari nanti insyaAllah..siapa tau kan??
rasa macam nak sambung study, tapi dapat ke tempat kalau apply nanti ye..huhu..banyak kerja juga nanti kalau jadi nak further study tu..harap-harap ada rezeki tu nanti..pray for me k..
and since, my dream now is to travel to some place that i have never been before, these are quite a useful tips for me by that time..and perhaps for you too..be wise!
The Steps...
1>> Choose your bag. Your bag should be light, big enough to carry what you need and cute. Try not to get a bag that looks flashy/expensive because it might be stolen. If you're going on a long flight, try to carry a backpack, because if you have a handbag/purse, everything will seem heavier.
2>> Think about the items you need. Some items that are almost always handy are:
- iPod/iPhone. Try to download some new podcasts (these are free on the internet), or download some new songs from iTunes or a CD.
- Books/ Magazines. If you like books, bring something you like to read, such as your romance novel. If you want magazines, bring a bunch that have all your favorite gossip, tips and other things you like.
- Earphones. These are vital. Try to bring 2 pairs, in case one of yours stops working. (This occasionally happens and the plane earphones are not good at all)
- Portable DVD/Game player. If your plane has Auto-Video on demand, then you will not need the DVD player. Having a Game player is always handy though, just make sure you charge it.
- A journal. If you already started one, bring it along. If not, then it's the perfect time to start one on the plane! That way you'll have a record of your trip.
3>> Wear something comfortable. You do not want to be stuck on an 18-hour flight in your tight mini skirt or your graduation suit (it's possible). Try something cute and comfortable, the best of both worlds. Try loose jeans, (Not skinny jeans!) a tank top/ T-Shirt, and a light jacket, since air planes can get cold. If you are going on a long/ overnight flight, you may want to think about bringing an extra pair of comfortable clothes such as loose sweat pants and an extra T-shirt. Unless your night-clothes are appropriate/ warm enough for the plane, these things are your best bet.
4>> Its best not to tie ponytails as it can be very annoying if you are not able to sit properly in the whole flight.Leave your hair open or tie braids.
5>> Try not to wear accessories. Do not wear long/dangling earrings. Try studs or better yet, none at all Necklaces and bracelets will get in the way, and belts can be uncomfortable, especially with the seat belt. Try to keep it to just 1 watch (with the time of the place your going to) and studs, if you have your ears pierced.
6>> Pack other miscellaneous items. Other things you may want include herbal sleeping pills (better than normal sleeping pills) and a small pillow. You might also want to bring a small blanket if the smell of the airplane ones bothers you.
7>> Leave the stuffed animal at home as it could get lost. If you do bring one, leave it in your bag.
8>> Bring snacks. Airplane food is gross, and sometimes they won't give you a free meal. Try those cute little cereal boxes, snack mixes (Chex-mix, cheese-it mix, Cheerios-mix.) If you are on a diet, or want something healthier, try granola mix, some of your favorite, non-sugary cereal in a plastic baggie. Also, if you want, you could order a special meal from the airlines, such as low sodium, vegetarian, or diabetic. They are usually served first and taste better.
9>> Be practical but light. If by some weird reason, you're with other people and let's say your suitcase is too full, you may have another small suitcase to drag along with you. Try to keep that one quite light and easy to pull around. You don't want start breaking sweat when you leave the airplane.