kadang-kadang teringat cmne kat sekolah dulu..walaupun tak sepandai or serajin mana..but at least orang kenal la kat sekolah tu..kalau tak sebagai budak nakal..maybe sebagai sorang member bahas..sebab pernah or biasa bagi speech kt assembly..at least something la..
bila masuk uni, at least happy dgn involvement in activity kecil2 kt aikol (kuliah) tu..not bad, pernah pergi panjat bukit, lawatan naik kapal navy..huhu..pergi forenscic dept kt hosp and pdrm..still, menarik kan walaupun activity kecil2 n simple..
but now, pergi kerja, balik kerja..tidur..esok pun repeat benda yang sama..no surprise, no fun, no excitement, but just normal working life..huhu..and then i came up with a decision..a real one..huhu.
and my beloved people around me (family) agreed to support this idea..yeaaayyy..i will do something more than just working, maybe after kerja kat sini exactly 1 year..so, hopefully this idea or dream will become a reality..pray for me..
but for now, let it just be my secret plan..haha.anyeonghaseyo!